Importing existing C Makefile projects
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To Debug using eclipse add to CFLAGS in Makefile
-g -O0
OpenGL and Eclipse Debug(gdb?) works
OpenGL Superbible (3edn) and code
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Blender Aim the Cam
To make one or more objects track another object (the target) select at least two objects and press CtrlT. The active object becomes the target and the others objects the trackers. The (Make Track Menu) provides several options for creating the initial tracking:
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Read vertex cordinates in Blender3D
Blender can be used to read the coordinates of a desired vertex off a 3D model (Ex: 3ds)
1) Zoom in to the desired area (scroll button = zoom, middle drag = rotate, shift+middle = pan)
2) 'Tab' to enter 'edit' mode
3) Right click desired vertex
4) 'n' to see vertex coordinates
1) Zoom in to the desired area (scroll button = zoom, middle drag = rotate, shift+middle = pan)
2) 'Tab' to enter 'edit' mode
3) Right click desired vertex
4) 'n' to see vertex coordinates
Sunday, September 6, 2009
3D to 2D Rendering, OpenGL and MATLAB
Short notes on OpenGL rendering and attempted integration with MATLAB.
Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO)
MEX and OpenGL
Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO)
- Allows you to give vertex, vertexnoms, face array locations directly for openGL to render (as opposed to drawing triangles one by one)
- Allows you to draw to a buffer/texture (without directly to the screen)
MEX and OpenGL
- Use mex -v -lGL -lglut -lGLU cfile.c
- Problems with glutinit() when calling mex file (MATLAB crashes when mex file is caleld again - cant do repeated rendering/calculations)
- Probably not possible?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Multi hop ssh tunnelling
localhost ----linkA----> gatewayhost ----linkB-----> remotehost
localport <========ssh============>remoteport
Solution 1:
A simple
$ ssh -L localport:remotehost:remortport -N -f remoteuser@remotehost
would create an ssh tunnel on link A but not on link B . As both links allow only ssh traffic this will not work.
One solution is to use the ssh proxycommand option like this:
$ ssh -oproxycommand="ssh -qaxT gwuser@gatewayhost nc %h %p" -L 3128:localhost:9998 -p9999 remoteuser@remotehost -N -f
localport <========ssh============>remoteport
- Need to access remote service in remotehost (on remoteport) from localport in localhost (this quite be a database service to anhttp proxy service -- not much difference here)
- Both links A and B allow only SSH traffic (other ports are blocked)
Solution 1:
A simple
$ ssh -L localport:remotehost:remortport -N -f remoteuser@remotehost
would create an ssh tunnel on link A but not on link B . As both links allow only ssh traffic this will not work.
One solution is to use the ssh proxycommand option like this:
$ ssh -oproxycommand="ssh -qaxT gwuser@gatewayhost nc %h %p" -L 3128:localhost:9998 -p9999 remoteuser@remotehost -N -f
Monday, August 17, 2009
Publickey (no password) ssh/scp in Ubuntu (9.04 and maybe other)
As per launchpad
There is a bug that prevents public key ssh/scp from working when configured according to 'man ssh'. (Due to the way ssh-agent / seahorse is setup )
The trick is to run 'ssh-add' after the normal procedure as per 'man ssh'.
So the entire procedure would be something like this.
There is a bug that prevents public key ssh/scp from working when configured according to 'man ssh'. (Due to the way ssh-agent / seahorse is setup )
The trick is to run 'ssh-add' after the normal procedure as per 'man ssh'.
So the entire procedure would be something like this.
- Generate keys on the local machine ($ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 #press enter twice, I'm using 4096 instead of the usual 2048 bit key)
- Copy the public key using ssh-copy ($ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ remoteuser@remotehost #assuming keys are in the standard location)
- Now make sure we run ssh-add ($ ssh-add )
Friday, July 17, 2009
Skype on Ubuntu 9.04 with mic and headset problems
This was tested on Ubuntu 9.04 running on a Dell OptiPlex 960.
A simple handset was used with the mic and earphone jacks connected to the sockets in the front (above the USB slots).
A picture speaks a thousand words.. so its all in the screenshots.
Step 1: Change volumes settings as follows.

Step 2: Change skype options as follows

This might also help:
A simple handset was used with the mic and earphone jacks connected to the sockets in the front (above the USB slots).
A picture speaks a thousand words.. so its all in the screenshots.
Step 1: Change volumes settings as follows.

Step 2: Change skype options as follows

This might also help:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Web services for ISO8583 Messaging using MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server
MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server exposes a web service to receive ISO8583 messages.
ISO 8583 Messages are used for financial transaction messaging including Credit Card / POS transaction messages.
MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server comes bundled with the MultiXTpm Application Server developed by Moshe Shitrit, who is also extremely helpful by the way :).
This document explains how to deploy MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server (and in effect MultiXTpmApplicationServer-4.0.8a) on a Ubuntu 8.04. It is intended to be quick guide for newbies as well as a reference for me as I may not remember these steps next week !
1) First Install MultiXTpmApplicationServer
The basic installation was done by following Igor Custodio's excellent posting on A How-to compile MultiXTpm in Ubuntu 8.04.
However, the following modifications had to be done in addition to the instructions given in A How-to compile MultiXTpm in Ubuntu 8.04.
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH variables needed to include the current directory (.) to run the mentioned .sh scripts. Therefore the export statements in Step 6, were modified as follows.
export MultiXTpm="/home/srimal/MXTPM/MultiXTpmApplicationServer"
export PATH=.:$PATH:"${MultiXTpm}"/runtime
export TMAKEPATH="/usr/share/tmake/linux-g++/"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}":"${MultiXTpm}"/runtime
export CPATH="/home/srimalj/MXTPM/gsoap-2.7/gsoap:/home/srimalj/MXTPM/gsoap-2.7/gsoap/extras"
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/mysql++/:/usr/include/mysql/
These exports were added to the end of my /etc/bash.bashrc for convenience.
(I have installed in my home directory /home/srimal -- change as appropriate)
Also install the following packages if you already don't have them.
$ sudo apt-get install libmysql++-dev
Plus any other libraries that you do not have already but are mentioned in the above export statements. (Hint: Missing header files are usually in xxx-dev package for package xxx)
2) Next Install MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server
To do this, change in to the ISO8583Server directory .
$ cd ${MultiXTpm}/ISO8583Server
The next few steps require the environment variables exported before. (Its a good idea to add it to /etc/bash.bashrc and start with a new terminal -- or do a . /etc/bash.bashrc if you prefer to use the same terminal window)
Next we Build everything.
$ ./
Then Make the runtime environment.
(Don't worry if it says the runtime exists)
Now change to the runtime directory
$ cd runtime
and run MultiXTpm
$ MultiXTpm
This should start up the MultiXTpm process which will in turn spawn the four processes needed for ISO 8583 Server:
This is what my console looks like.
Based on the default TpmConfig.xml the Web Service will be accepting connections on port 38583. So my connection end point looks like "http://localhost:38583/" .
ISO 8583 Messages are used for financial transaction messaging including Credit Card / POS transaction messages.
MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server comes bundled with the MultiXTpm Application Server developed by Moshe Shitrit, who is also extremely helpful by the way :).
This document explains how to deploy MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server (and in effect MultiXTpmApplicationServer-4.0.8a) on a Ubuntu 8.04. It is intended to be quick guide for newbies as well as a reference for me as I may not remember these steps next week !
1) First Install MultiXTpmApplicationServer
The basic installation was done by following Igor Custodio's excellent posting on A How-to compile MultiXTpm in Ubuntu 8.04.
However, the following modifications had to be done in addition to the instructions given in A How-to compile MultiXTpm in Ubuntu 8.04.
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH variables needed to include the current directory (.) to run the mentioned .sh scripts. Therefore the export statements in Step 6, were modified as follows.
export MultiXTpm="/home/srimal/MXTPM/MultiXTpmApplicationServer"
export PATH=.:$PATH:"${MultiXTpm}"/runtime
export TMAKEPATH="/usr/share/tmake/linux-g++/"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}":"${MultiXTpm}"/runtime
export CPATH="/home/srimalj/MXTPM/gsoap-2.7/gsoap:/home/srimalj/MXTPM/gsoap-2.7/gsoap/extras"
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/mysql++/:/usr/include/mysql/
These exports were added to the end of my /etc/bash.bashrc for convenience.
(I have installed in my home directory /home/srimal -- change as appropriate)
Also install the following packages if you already don't have them.
$ sudo apt-get install libmysql++-dev
Plus any other libraries that you do not have already but are mentioned in the above export statements. (Hint: Missing header files are usually in xxx-dev package for package xxx)
2) Next Install MultiXTpm ISO 8583 Server
To do this, change in to the ISO8583Server directory .
$ cd ${MultiXTpm}/ISO8583Server
The next few steps require the environment variables exported before. (Its a good idea to add it to /etc/bash.bashrc and start with a new terminal -- or do a . /etc/bash.bashrc if you prefer to use the same terminal window)
Next we Build everything.
$ ./
Then Make the runtime environment.
(Don't worry if it says the runtime exists)
Now change to the runtime directory
$ cd runtime
and run MultiXTpm
$ MultiXTpm
This should start up the MultiXTpm process which will in turn spawn the four processes needed for ISO 8583 Server:
- MultiXTpm – Application Server, Router, load balancer.
- ISO 8583 Issuer Gateway FE – Listener and communications handler, receivng requests from Remote Acquirer Gateways or POS terminal.
- ISO 8583 Issuer Gateway WS FE – Listener and communications handler, receivng requests from Remote Acquirer Gateways or POS terminal that use SOAP/XML Web Services client software.
- ISO 8583 Back End and/or ISO 8583 Authorizer – The Business Logic handler. Acts locally on POS terminals requests or forwards requests to the next Issuer Gateway in the chain.
- ISO 8583 Acquirer Gateway FE – Connection initiator and communications handler. Handles all data transfers to remote Issuer Gateways.
This is what my console looks like.
Based on the default TpmConfig.xml the Web Service will be accepting connections on port 38583. So my connection end point looks like "http://localhost:38583/" .
Thursday, February 19, 2009
GUI Database Designer for MySQL
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Blue Tooth Remote Presenter on Ubuntu 8.04
Install these
Scan for the phone,
We see something like
Connect like this,
Use the phone ;)
sudo apt-get install bluez-utils
Scan for the phone,
hcitool scan
We see something like
00:11:22:AA:BB:CC w810-Srimal
Connect like this,
sudo hidd --connect 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC
Use the phone ;)
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